GCC Medical: As a prerequisite to employment in the Gulf countries all Indian Nationals taking up employment to GCC-member countries such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Yemen are required to be examined and issued a medical fitness certificate. Corporate Diagnostics Centre (CDC) is providing these services in Kolkata under the guidelines of the Executive Board of the Health Ministers' Council for Gulf Cooperation Council States having its office at Riyadh, KSA.
Corporate Diagnostics Centre (CDC) is a member of GAMCA - The GCC Approved Medical Centers Association in Kolkata. It is organized in compliance with the GCC requirement that medical certificates issued by the GAMCA member centers only, will be honored by the health ministries and embassies of the GCC member countries in the processing of employment papers.
Corporates: Corporate Diagnostics Centre provide a wide range of health screening solutions along with value added services that include state-of-the-art pathology & radiology services. In today's hectic lifestyle where stress breeds many silent diseases, a thorough checkup is the easiest way to detect and fight disease before it's too late. The Health Packages from Corporate Diagnostics Centre are specifically designed keeping in mind that not all diseases produce early warning signs and aim to provide accurate detection of such diseases. With an array of screening packages to suit individual needs, these packages cover a spectrum of tests and come at a very attractive price.
Corporate Diagnostics Centre offers specialized services for corporate houses which cover the entire range of preventive diagnostics.
Referral: Corporate Diagnostics Centre’s referral service provides a two-way communication link between the medical center and community physicians within a radius of 5 Km. We provide the rare benefit of having all major tests under one roof, supervised by a panel of pathologists and radiologists, who are recognized experts in their respective fields.
For the referring clinician, Corporate Diagnostics Centre aims to provide:
1. The most responsive, quality service. Reports are sent back to the referrer within 24-48 hours of the test being performed.
2. Reliable results through some of the industry's most stringent quality systems.
3. On call service of specimen sample collection from your clinic and its safe transport to our lab.
Insurance: Corporate Diagnostics Centre is affiliated to major insurance companies for medical examination and pre employment medical checkup.